Specter interprets the data from a different perspective:
"I think I have a big, broad base of support among Republicans," Specter said. "Republicans were for me in very solid numbers in the general [election]. But I had thought my opponent from 2004 would have had significant strength as a result of him being a prior rep. Nobody knows him."
Of course it is possible that Senator Scottish Law's perspective is skewed by the fact that his head is lodged firmly in his ass.
Obviously these poll numbers do concern him more than he will publicly acknowledge as witnessed by his recent flip-flop on Card-Check. But his opposition may only be pending the result of the Franken-Coleman debacle in Minnesota. If it looks like the Dems will get to the magic 60 number with Franken you can expect Arlen to start playing footsie with labor again since his "opposition" really won't matter. So Arlen is ready to "compromise". This quotes gives away the game:
But Specter also said he believes a compromise is still possible on the card-check legislation, noting that Democrats could also revisit the legislation once they have 60 votes.
"America may be looking at a Senate which has 60 or more Democrats, and I think that behooves Republicans and the business community to try to resolve the serious failures of the National Labor Relations Board," he said. "It's not only in labor's interest to have the NLRB functioning, but it's in business's interest or else Democrats will have 60 votes and they could steamroll it. This country relies on checks and balances, and right now the only check-and-balance we've got involves 41 seats on the right as you walk into the chamber."
The Good Senator from PA:

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