This moonbat, John Murtha, has received the Navy's highest civilian honor citing
Murtha's "courageous leadership, vision, and loyalty to the men and women of the Department of the Navy," Winter presented the influential chairman of the House Appropriations Committee's defense panel with the Navy's Distinguished Public Service Award, an honor bestowed in "those extraordinary cases where individuals have demonstrated exceptionally outstanding service of substantial and long term benefit to the Navy, Marine Corps, or the Department of the Navy as a whole," a Murtha release stated.
But this is the same Murtha who accused a squad of Marines as being cold-blooded killers claiming they murdered civilians in Haditha. Murtha never gave his fellow Marines the benefit of the doubt nor did he even wait to hear any of the evidence before pronouncing judgment. So a few Marines get smeared, court martialed or jailed, small potatoes when you are gunning for your party to take over Congress.
Nor has Murtha cared that the Marines have since been exonerated.
When the dust settled more than two years later, six of the eight Marines and Sailors accused of crimes in the Haditha incident had their cases dismissed, one was found not guilty and the last has been continued indefinitely. ...
Murtha has refused to recant his accusations or apologize to the Marines he accused of war crimes. When asked by Military.com in late 2007 whether he regretted his initial statements and owed the exonerated Marines and Sailor an apology, Murtha refused to comment, saying the cases were still being adjudicated.
And now he is being honored by the Navy. Even more shameful is that he has no reservation about accepting such a high honor from the very armed forces he smeared. Murtha lacks honor despite his service.
A petition has been circulated asking the Navy to do what is right and rescind the award to this jackass. Please consider signing.
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