"But,but he promised!!" Kenny MacAskill, the brain-dead idiot who decided to release the Lockerbie bomber (seen above in one of his more lucid moments) is upset with Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi's homecoming reception in Tripoli. It seem that killer's apparently are not necessarily honest.
In Mr MacAskill’s statement yesterday to the Holyrood Parliament he said that the jubilation that greeted al-Megrahi in Libya, which included waving Scottish flags, was “a matter of great regret” to him. Libya had flouted assurances to the Scottish government that al-Megrahi would be given a muted reception in Tripoli, he said.
Mr MacAskill included al-Megrahi himself in his condemnation, saying that the man whom he had released on compassionate grounds because he was suffering from terminal cancer had shown “no sensitivity” by being a willing part of the triumphalist scenes.
He had been received in Tripoli in “an inappropriate manner”, Mr MacAskill said. “It showed no compassion or sensitivity to the families of the 270 victims of Lockerbie. Assurances had been given by the Libyan Government that any return would be dealt with in a low-key and sensitive fashion.”
Mr MacAskill gave a defiant if uninspiring performance before MSPs, sidestepping questions by saying simply that he stood by his decision. At Holyrood last night he was thought to have done enough for the moment to stop talk of his imminent resignation.
Another great moment in British history.
ReplyDeleteN. Chamberlain