Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dingy Harry hides the bill

Mitch McConnell (via Drudge) provides a status report from the front lines of the Senate battle field.
‘And here’s the most outrageous part: at the end of this rush, they want us to vote on a bill that no one outside the Majority Leader’s conference room has even seen. That’s right. The final bill we’ll vote on isn’t even the one we’ve had on the floor. It’s the deal Democrat leaders have been trying to work out in private’

I vaguely recall some promise from the "most transparent administration EVAH" that the whole process would be televised on C-Span.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I need time to go through it line by line before it can be sent to the members of Congress to read. Lotsa stuff I gotta cut out. Waste and all.....

    I, Obama


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