Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another one bites the dust

Now it's Dodd retiring.
The departure of Mr. Dodd, first elected to the Senate in 1980, carried the most symbolic value because of his seniority and his close association with the financial system bailout and other economic policies. Mr. Dodd, is one of the highest profile Democratic casualties of the financial crisis and its political fallout.

In the past two years, after a failed run for president, he has come under increasing fire, most recently for backing a measure that allowed the embattled insurance giant AIG to dole out bonuses to its executives, and for receiving what critics charged was a sweetheart mortgage from mortgage giant Countrywide Financial.

Mr. Dodd, 65, had been losing in polls to his potential Republican challengers, including former Rep. Rob Simmons and wrestling executive Linda McMahon, who has said she would spend tens of millions of her own money to win the seat.

Who is to blame for Dodd's fall ?? C'mon folks, this is easy --BUSH!!
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs didn't deny President Obama's agenda has worsened the party's difficult political environment. He said Mr. Obama did what was necessary to tackle the troubles he inherited.

So one less snout at the trough but I am sure as we speak the golden parachute is being packed for Dodd since he was a good soldier and took one for the party.

And of course, since both Dodd and Teddy (4 months sober) are gone, waitresses across DC can breathe a sigh of relief.

1 comment:

  1. When you're loosing to Linda McMahon it's definitely time to get out.

    Lazy Libertarian


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