Friday, January 8, 2010

Behold the stimulative power of the Porkulus

Unemployment stays at 10% as another 85,000 jobs were lost in December. Good thing that this blog created or saved 50,000 jobs or we would really be screwed.

But don't worry too much because the White House says this is good news:
The White House said the numbers nevertheless demonstrate that the rate at which jobs are disappearing has slowed, given that employment fell by 139,000 in September and 127,000 in October. Christina Romer, chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisers, wrote on the White House blog that the recovery will "not be a straight line."
See, every month it just keeps getting better and better. Happy Funemployment !!

And as an added bonus, The Obamamessiah is racing to the rescue spreading the graft creating green jobs.
President Obama plans to announce Friday steps he's taking to combat unemployment, including using part of the $787 billion economic stimulus package to create tens of thousands of green jobs.


  1. RadSlack is paying people???????

    Lazy Libertarian

  2. I would subsidize purple hats. Just because.

    Clueless Liberal


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