Sunday, March 29, 2009

Barack Obama, CEO

Not content to simply run the executive branch of the federal government, the community organizer with 2 months of executive experience under his belt has decided to try his hand at an auto company. Politico reports that Obama has demanded and received the resignation of GM's Rick Wagoner.

So we have now come to the point where government can now dictate how corporations staff their executive positions. So the same folks who bungled the AIG bonuses are now going to try to run a car company.

And before you whiny liberals start to bark about how they took federal funds so there are now strings attached; you had better think twice. Are you ready to carry this principle to accepting welfare, student loans, social security or having the government cover your medical expenses??

The next question is: who decides the new CEO?? Will it be Obama?? The UAW ?? Will the stockholders even have a say ?? I don't believe it is an understatement to say that this may be the first step toward nationalization of industry. This could serve as a precedent for feds taking over the banking industry.

Finally, this will have a severe chilling effect to the extend federal bailouts are truly wise and/or necessary.

So, now the Obama administration runs the banking and auto industries. Whose next ??

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