Thursday, March 19, 2009

Crossing the Rubicon

There has always been a class warfare sentiment to our progressive tax code. And surely the tax code has been used as a social engineering tool to reward politically favored behavior while punishing what has been deemed unacceptable. But today's House vote authorizing a confiscatory, ex post facto tax on the AIG bonuses may mark a point of no return.

The vote openly embraces the concept that it is justifiable to use taxes solely as punishment and to do so in a very discriminating manner. As Congress passes out the metaphorical torches and pitchforks, Obama takes to the airwaves to stoke the flames of resentment. And very few seem to care since they are only going after the "bad" rich.

But once the genie is out of the bottle it can't be returned. Soon it will not be just the "bad" rich but others whose wealth is deemed excessive. Remember, the current federal income tax started as a tax on only the top 1% of wage earners. Barney Frank has openly stated that he sees no reason that compensation limits cannot be extended to companies not receiving bailout funds.
Eventually this extends to people who act "bad" in other ways. Look at the coordinated attacks against Rush Limbaugh and Joe the Plumber. Freedom and individual liberty fall by the wayside.

I only hope we don't proceed much further down this path.

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