Friday, March 27, 2009

Hooray for Congress

And I am serious. The Senate has decided to inject itself into the debate over how college football determines a national champion by reviewing antitrust issues involving the Bowl Champion Series. Now many see this as more government over-reaching into ever more areas of life. Others also believe that this issue is not a priority given the current state of our economy. But they are all wrong.

The simple fact is that they can't help themselves. They always feel compelled to get involved and "do something". And there is little doubt that they will only make a bad situation worse for the NCAA. But think people. Would you rather have them screwing up college football or your health care. If they are debating playoff formats they aren't molesting the economy.

Of course the NCAA is SCREWED!!! But better them than me.

And in case there is any doubt, a little sample of our Congress in action, ironically enough, on the subject of a college football champion here.

We are doomed.

1 comment:

  1. Is she wearing a bathrobe?????? I can't wait till she determines my health care.

    Lazy Libertarian


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