Thursday, March 19, 2009

Only government can help??

The government, deciding that home ownership was desirable, even for those who couldn't really afford it, pushed lenders to make risky loans (I know, I know, Wall St. is not completely innocent but I am making a broader point). Then, not content with fueling an economic meltdown, decided it had to "do something".

Naturally, this "something" was akin to throwing gasoline on the fire in the form of 10, 11 and 12-figure bailouts. This was naturally followed by a pent-up liberal spending spree in excess of $700 billion in the guise of a stimulus package. This government intervention was necessary, we were told, as we stood on the brink of an economic apocalypse. Almighty Obama himself told us so. And he also told us that only government could save us. And it had to be now!!! There was not a moment to lose!! No time to consider whether trillions in spending was wise in general or was even being wisely spent. Trust Him.

So now we have a stimulus bill, with a provision specifically put in at the request of Obama's Treasury Department, guaranteeing the AIG bonuses which have caused such a stir. The administration says they weren't aware. After initially lying, Chris Dodd admits he added the provision... but at the administration's request. Who's lying?? Who cares - the point is that our government doesn't know what it is doing.

Oblivious to the fact that some of the chaos is the result of ramming through bills without consideration, debate or even taking time to read the proposed legislation, "something" must be done to remedy this last public relations debacle. Somebody must be punished. It can't be government so now the AIG bonus recipients are thrown to the wolves.

In doing something the House has decided to ignore the Constitution and pass a 90% tax on some of the recipients. The Senate will likely follow suit and Obama has already endorsed the idea.

So now some AIG execs are now going to take it in the neck for the sins of Congress. While government continues to try to "fix" the economy and punish greed, just remember the real culprits -- government's fingerprints are found at every stage of this farce.

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