Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why the Obama bow is important

Actually, the act, in and of itself, is not important. While it is clearly a breach of protocol, on the grand scale it is merely a diplomatic faux pas. But what is significant is how the Obamaniacs can't acknowledge that The One can ever commit an error; let alone an unforced error.

This is similar to other regimes built upon a cult personality wherein the leader is deified. Kim Jong Il in North Korea is clear example. It is simply inconceivable that Obama could make such an obvious mistake. And, even on those rare occasions when the error is too obvious to deny (and you would think in the age of video that this was such an occasion) we are told that there is some other motive at work or there is a reason for the seemingly obvious mistake that we are just not fit to comprehend.

To do otherwise would be the equivalent of a god who bleeds.

1 comment:

  1. Like the summary sentence. Yer good at talkin'. Maybe you should go to law school and stop wasting time with this blog.

    Lazy Libertarian


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