Friday, May 15, 2009

Fascist Bush -- whoops, I mean Obama -- to keep militarily tribunals

This will not be well received on the left.

Of course the true Obamaniacs will go to great length to explain that these commissions are the same but different. Obama tribunals will somehow be "fairer". And of course there will be the occasional trial inside the US to show how open-mindedness and flexibility of the Obama plan.
The decision, to be announced Friday, could set off more criticism from civil libertarian and liberal groups that have increasingly complained that Mr. Obama has not made a sharper break from former President George W. Bush’s terrorism policies. During last year’s presidential campaign, Mr. Obama called the military commission system put in place by Mr. Bush “an enormous failure” and vowed to “reject the Military Commissions Act.”

But aides pointed out Thursday that he never rejected the possibility of using military commissions altogether if they could be made fairer, and they pointed to legislation he supported as a senator in 2006 intended to do just that. They noted that some defendants would continue to be tried in American civilian courts and said they were trying to create a “durable, multilayered option,” as one put it.

The bottom line is that campaign rhetoric has run headlong into reality. When governing (note "governing, not "ruling" you socialist punks) the administration has the burden of protecting the nation and has clearly come to understand that the terrorist threat must be resolved on the battlefield, not the court room. The are far too many evidentiary hurdles. Our troops have enough of a burden without playing CSI and trying to preserve a crime-scene while under fire.

But that reality will not register with nutroots. And hopefully, Obama will pay a price for such recklessly irresponsible and shameful campaign conduct.

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