Monday, June 15, 2009

A double shot of good news for a change

NJ guv Corzine is in trouble in the polls and there are concerns this could hurt the Obama brand.

With recent polls showing Gov. Jon Corzine falling behind Republican challenger Chris Christie, top operatives at the White House and at the Democratic National Committee are worried a loss could hurt the momentum of President Obama's young administration and are committing resources to help Corzine pull out a victory.
Corzine and his campaign operatives have been emphatic in linking the governor to Obama, who they describe as "a partner in the White House." Biden spoke at Corzine's campaign kickoff - saying "Barack Obama and Joe Biden are committed to Jon Corzine's re-election, period" - and he and cabinet members have made several appearances with the governor to showcase New Jersey projects using federal money from Obama's stimulus package.

"We worked too hard in this state and this country to get Barack Obama elected to the White House. We cannot afford a governor who will work against the president's efforts to reverse the damage caused by this Bush administration," campaign manager Maggie Moran said in a video message to supporters. "That's why we need your help to make sure Barack Obama has an ally in New Jersey who's going to work with him, not against him."

Before NJ republicans get too confident, they should look east...NJ's elections are probably no less fraudulent than Iran's and crazy Mahmoud is still claiming victory.

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