Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama has "no interest" in running GM

That's what PrezBO says as the feds take a 60% stake in GM as part of its bankruptcy restructuring. Of course he says this as he lays out his vision of the new GM that will emerge. The One explained how the new GM will produce cars that meet his eco-vision (and the government will help by buying GM for their fleet cars) and clean up their balance sheets.

What should be pause for concern is that these changes at GM were not announced by GM's CEO but rather by POTUS; although I guess they are really one and the same.

So, we have a President who has never run a business of any size, who has never run any type of commercial venture and who has no executive experience ready to run GM because he is just oh so cool!! And he also has a nice demeanor.

CEOs are well compensated because they are pretty damn valuable and good ones are hard to find. More often than not, they are groomed for the position. But hey, I am sure a community organizer can do the job just as well.

Fox News notes the government's passive investor role:
Senior administration officials, who declined to speak for attribution, said the U.S. government will be a "passive" investor but will oversee operations at the new GM because "the taxpayer will want us to."
Jim Geraghty has frequently noted that ALL of Obama's promises come with expiration date -- but they usually don't expire during the actual speech in which they're made.

So who thinks the new GM will bring a windfall for the taxpayer/shareholders ???


1 comment:

  1. Great point about Obama making the announcement and not the CEO. I predict GM will be like Amtrak going forward: creaky, slow, and way overpriced.

    Lazy Libertarian


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