Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time to play "Guess The Party" again.

Former Massachusetts House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi has been indicted on corruption charges.
Former Massachusetts House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi and three friends were indicted today by a federal grand jury for allegedly orchestrating a scheme that allowed DiMasi to pocket tens of thousands of dollars in payments from a software company while he was using his powerful office to make sure the company won state contracts.

The indictment on a battery of public corruption charges marked yet another stunning turn for a politician who, just a year ago, was considered by many to be the most influential official in the state before his resignation in January. Now DiMasi faces up to 20 years in prison on each of seven counts of mail and wire fraud and up to five years for conspiracy.

The indictment paints an unflattering picture of a band of long-time associates, led by DiMasi, successfully plotting to rig a series of computer software contracts over golf games, at Democratic fundraisers, and in incriminating emails that even referred to the speaker as "Coach." The charges follow a series of stories in the Globe.

Why it almost sounds like a "culture of corruption". But no mention of party affiliation. Maybe because it's Massachusetts the media just figures it's a gimme.

1 comment:

  1. Kinda like reading the Inquirer. Not really necessary to identify the party affiliation of a corrupt Philadelphia politician.

    Lazy Libertarian


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