Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back from vacation

Good to see that our post-racial President was able to transcend race.

"Hey, I don't know all the facts but let me say the cops acted stupidly" -- Moron!!

Still haven't had a chance to actually watch the health care presser. By all accounts it was a real stinker and I really want to soak it all in before commenting. But here is one thought, from Ace, that sums up the disconnect of Obamacare. We are somehow going to expand insurance coverage from 90% of the population to 97% of the population and it will cost less. In other words, we are going to insure tens of millions more people at a lesser total cost than we are currently paying??

Maybe, just maybe, we elected a not-ready for prime time lightweight.


  1. Ace link is just to his website,not a particular article.

    Lazy Libertairan

  2. No kidding. The attribution to Ace was in reference to the numerous posts that Ace has placed the last few days and not to a particular posting. The shout out was simply to acknowledge that the observations were not my own; but rather Ace's. In other words, I was trying not to pull a Biden.


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