Monday, July 13, 2009

Justice Sotomayor

Get used to hearing that because there is zero chance that the "wise Latina" will not be confirmed. The salt in the wound is that there really is a strong case to be made that she is not qualified to sit on the highest court given her penchant for identity politics. The woman has acknowledged that race and "empathy" play a role in her decisions and has arguably violated judicial ethics by trying to bury the Ricci case when it was before her court.

But the Republicans dropped the ball at the outset and have never risen to the challenge. They were afraid of the bad press they would get from the MSM (is there any other kind of press Republicans get from the MSM ??) if they challenged a justice of Hispanic heritage.

Dems didn't seem to have the same fears in attacking Miguel Estrada.

So now we will be subject to the likes of Lindsey Graham predicting that, absent a "meltdown" she will be confirmed and the embarrassment from Minnesota (Franken) calling her the "most experienced Supreme Court nominee in 100 years.

1 comment:

  1. The Repukes will be the Whigs of the 21st century the way they are going. Goober already said that he plans to vote for her. Betcha his butt buddy McC does as well.

    Lazy Libertarian


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