Monday, August 3, 2009

More benefits of single-payer health care: assisted suicide is cheaper than chemo

From Oregon's single-payer system. Yes it's a story from 2008 but the principle is still the same; rationing is needed to control costs. It's all about cost effectiveness.

Via Ed Morrisey

1 comment:

  1. Love the smarmy state doc talking about how giving expensive treatment to her would take the same money away from others. People gotta wake up to the rationing that will befall us under Obamacare. Note the fact that there has been no innovation of the Oregon state plan since it's imposition. Amazing that a government run program doesn't evolve over time. What's up with the evil pharma company giving her the medicine for free? Are they trying to make the state system look bad? This will not be tolerated under Obamacare!

    Angry Anarchist


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