Friday, August 21, 2009

Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy v.2.0

Obama says that Republicans want to "kill"* his health care bill.
"I think early on, a decision was made by the Republican leadership that said, 'Look, let's not give him a victory, maybe we can have a replay of 1993, '94, when Clinton came in, he failed on health care and then we won in the mid-term elections and we got the majority. And I think there are some folks who are taking a page out that playbook," the president said.

A 79 vote majority in the House and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate ... and it's the Republicans fault ???

Was it "I won" or "I whine" ???

*Note the use of kill (not defeat). Those mean, nasty Republicans.

1 comment:

  1. But you don't understand. I'm just trying to fix a system that is totally unsustainable. A system that is going to hit the wall at full speed. Plus, you'll be able to keep your current plan if you want.

    B. Hussein Obama


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