Monday, September 21, 2009

Breitbart's next big scoop

Audio of the White House using the NEA to push Obama agenda. Too bad that's illegal.

Question: Who looks the worst in this scandal ?? The White House, the NEA or the dinosaur media that can't seem to find these stories and refuses to cover them when they do ??


  1. If it's not vetted by one of the networks or the Times, it's just not news.

    Old Snotty Liberal

  2. If it turns out to be true, you can be sure that we here at CBS will be the first to let you know!

    D. Rather

  3. Special interests will have no say in my administration!

    B. Hussein Obama

  4. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

    Unemployed Artist

  5. Russell Simmons has a "political director"???????

    Puffy C.


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