Friday, September 18, 2009

How Obama will extend health care to illegals

One word .... you know it.... Amnesty, baby!!!

President Obama said this week that his health care plan won't cover illegal immigrants, but argued that's all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage.

He also staked out a position that anyone in the country legally should be covered - a major break with the 1996 welfare reform bill, which limited most federal public assistance programs only to citizens and longtime immigrants.

"Even though I do not believe we can extend coverage to those who are here illegally, I also don't simply believe we can simply ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken," Mr. Obama said Wednesday evening in a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. "That's why I strongly support making sure folks who are here legally have access to affordable, quality health insurance under this plan, just like everybody else.

Mr. Obama added, "If anything, this debate underscores the necessity of passing comprehensive immigration reform and resolving the issue of 12 million undocumented people living and working in this country once and for all."

When they said that Obama operates on a whole different plane than the rest of us they weren't kidding. Let's take a quickly tanking health care bill (still not sure which one he is referring to, but I digress) and tie it to the even more wildly unpopular goal of amnesty. Sheer genius. To liberally quote the character, Mason, from "Dead Like Me": [He's] so smart, [he's] practically retarded."

1 comment:

  1. Why does he insist on ignoring ME??????

    "I also don't simply believe we can simply ignore the fact "

    Barak's Teleprompter


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