Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eric Holder defends KSM show trial

Andy McCarthy dissects the AG's testimony today. A little taste:
5. A civilian trial is no more a platform for KSM than a military commission would have been. That's ridiculous. KSM was ready to plead guilty and be executed eleven months ago. Whatever soapbox he was going to have, he'd largely already had, and while we'd have had to let him speak before sentence was imposed, that would have been the end of it. Now, he's going to get a full-blown trial — after combing through the discovery for a couple of years and after putting the Bush administration under the spotlight.

Holder derided Senator Kyl for pointing this out, saying Kyl had no way of knowing what KSM's position is today. That's a specious point. We do know what his position was eleven months ago when the Obama administration could have accepted his plea and pushed for his execution. Moreover, why would that still be KSM's position today, when he now knows Holder is ready to give him the stage in New York that he's been seeking since the day he was captured?

Do yourself a favor a read the whole takedown. Better than reading the transcript of the actual testimony which was, in essence, a lot of words to say "I know better than you".

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry. We'll keep him locked up even with a not guilty verdict. And ya don't gotta worry about the ACLU or civil libertarians now that I'm President!

    B. Hussein Obama


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