Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Skinny Barry

Drudge ran a blurb yesterday on Obama's "dramatic weight loss". The story itself is meaningless but I can't get past the President's quote at the end: "Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm not tough." Agreed. The fact that you are a pussy, unable to stand up to foreign leaders and your party's "leaders", means your not tough.

You want to be seen as tough, have a thicker skin. Waging war on FOX is not tough. Whining about what the Republicans do or think when you have veto proof control in both chambers of Congress is not tough. Grow a pair !!

1 comment:

  1. You mean finding the need to comment on the weight loss shows a certain lack of cajones? Just wait till you see how I take it to the Ruskies!!!!!

    B. Hussein Obama


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