Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Obama eschews democracy - part II

Announces support for "command-and-control" regulations of emissions.
The Obama administration is warning Congress that if it doesn't move to regulate greenhouse gases, the Environmental Protection Agency will take a "command-and-control" role over the process in a way that could hurt business.

But while administration officials have long said they prefer Congress take action on climate change, the economic official who spoke with reporters Tuesday night made clear that the EPA will not wait and is prepared to act on its own.

And it won't be pretty.

"If you don't pass this legislation, then ... the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area," the official said. "And it is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it's going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way, which will probably generate even more uncertainty."

Hey, but at least he's not a socialist or anything. Calling him anything like that we were told was too "extreme".

1 comment:

  1. It's not like the EPA WANTS to do this, they HAVE to do it. Much like everything the Obama administration has done.

    Lazy Libertarian


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