Tuesday, December 1, 2009

President Trillion Dollar Deficits tells the military to tighten its belt in A-stan.

From tonight's speech:
As President, I refuse to set goals that go beyond our responsibility, our means, our or interests. And I must weigh all of the challenges that our nation faces. I do not have the luxury of committing to just one. Indeed, I am mindful of the words of President Eisenhower, who - in discussing our national security - said, "Each proposal must be weighed in the light of a broader consideration: the need to maintain balance in and among national programs."

Over the past several years, we have lost that balance, and failed to appreciate the connection between our national security and our economy. In the wake of an economic crisis, too many of our friends and neighbors are out of work and struggle to pay the bills, and too many Americans are worried about the future facing our children. Meanwhile, competition within the global economy has grown more fierce. So we simply cannot afford to ignore the price of these wars.

We can afford bailouts, non-stimulative stimulus packages and billions (with a B) of dollars for ACORN, and nationalizing health care but we can't afford about $30 billion a year for troops in Afghanistan?? In a war candidate Obama said we had to win ??

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