Thursday, December 10, 2009

VDH's takedown of the boy king's Nobel acceptance speech

Hanson does the dirty work of listening to the speech. Thank God, because I just can't take anymore. Obama seem to be there every time I turn on my television.

A snippet of Hanson's analysis:
The president said some good things, but unfortunately, his long academic lecture on the nature of war itself had all the characteristics of we have come to accept from a Barack Obama sermon:

1) Verbosity (4,000 words plus!) and extraneousness (he finally even referenced the world’s farmers); 2) I/me exhaustion (34 times) and the messianic cult of personality; 3) the 50/50, split-the-difference trope; 4) the straw man: on the one hand there are realists, on the other idealists, and I Obama singularly reject this either/or dichotomy (as if no one else does as well); 5) veiled attacks on the previous administration; 6) reference to his own unique personal story; 7) good-war/bad-war theory of Afghanistan and Iraq; 8) the hopey-changy rhetorical flourish.

Is there a Microsoft program somewhere that writes these things out?

It is definitely worth reading the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hanson does a great analysis. He is the world's greatest speaker, even if he pops his head back and forth like a bobble head doll.

    Lazy Libertarian


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