Friday, February 26, 2010

A quick summary of the Health Care Summit

Obama: Look, here's the problem. The American people just don't get it yet. By the way, we get to talk more because my time doesn't count since I am the President (i.e. - "I won")

Dingy Harry: We don't intend to use Reconciliation.

Pelosi: Health Care will be produce jobs almost as great as Porkulus!!

Republicans: Your bill is a financial disaster and huge government takeover.

Dems: Hey, here's a list of sob stories. And by the way, you're racist!!

Obama: Your concerns are: "legitimate debates" but shut up and let's move on; an item of discussion for later in the agenda so shut up and let's move on; out of bounds so shut up and let's move on; bogged down in numbers so shut up and let's move on.

And a lot of this in response to Republican speakers:

And the great conclusion from this freak show:

Obama: Hey Republicans, get on board or we'll use Reconciliation.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely brilliant summarization of the political miscalculation by the Dems.

    Lazy Libertarian


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