Thursday, February 4, 2010

Countdown Krazy Keith's termination??

A 44% drop in ratings ?!? What, did he go from 1,000 viewers to 666??

With ratings like that he will soon be working for this blog -- we have had almost 1,000 hits in shortly under a year. He'd be fun to have around for shits and giggles. And we love a good conspiracy theory.


  1. Gotta start firin' up the troops with more conspiracies. I'll start with the tea baggers goin' after Obama......

    K. Olbermann

  2. I expect low blows like this from a man like you, MISTER SLACKER!!!! It just goes to show the paucity of your arguments and the intellectual dishonesty that you call a "web site", MISTER SLACKER!!! You should be run out of town like the conservative cretin that you are, MISTER SLACKER!!!!!!

    Pete Pobermann


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