Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dem Senate reaches for "nuclear" option

Remember when Republicans threatened to abolish the filibuster to presidential nominations. The press continuously referred to this as the "nuclear option". Not only was this unfair by changing the rules but it was so unthinkable that it was the equivalent of a nuclear first-strike.

That was then, in the Dark Ages, pre-Obama. Dutifully, the media defended the filibuster as a critical legislative tool in preserving democracy. A March 29, 2009 NY Times editorial captures this position. It even laughably goes as far as to lament their prior editorial opposition to the filibuster during the Clinton years.

Well now the Obama administration has decided that the filibuster is just too much of an inconvenience to Dear Leader's agenda. So the filibuster is on its way out. And not just for presidential appointments; but also for legislation.

Here is the easiest way to sum up the media's position:
* Republicans in charge: Filibuster = important legislative tool of the loyal
opposition in the protection of democracy

* Democrats in charge: Filibuster = Republican obstructionism

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