Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Arlen Specter becomes the biggest ass-hat in the Senate

Senator Principle has managed to poop the bed on both sides of the aisle.
Since declaring himself a Democrat last Tuesday, Specter has defied Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the White House on virtually everything that’s come down the pike: the budget, mortgage reform, the Al Franken-Norm Coleman race, even President Barack Obama’s appointment of Dawn Johnsen to head the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.

All while quibbling over whether he said he’d be a “loyal Democrat” — and insisting that he had an “entitlement” to transfer his Senate seniority from one side of the aisle to the other.

The blowback came Tuesday night: On a voice vote, the Senate voted to strip Specter of his 29 years of seniority, effectively transforming him in a blink-and-you-missed-it-moment from one of the most senior senators in the body to a lowly freshman on most committees.

Will Snarlin' Arlen drop the dems a second time and return to the Republicans some are speculating?? Let's hope not. The dems can have him and the Republicans are better off without him.

And he's not doing Pennsylvania any favors either. One of Specter's frequent campaign themes is premised on the benefit his seniority brings. That's gone and, hopefully, soon he will be as well.

1 comment:

  1. He has an uncanny ability to be disliked by all. Amazingly, he keeps getting elected to the Senate. I love the fact that his co-reps will be calling him "frosh".

    Lazy Libertarian


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