Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dog bites man; hypocrisy from the MSM

This time from The Chicago Tribune.
"Money for nothing?" blared a Chicago Tribune editorial in mid-March, responding to news that American International Group Inc. planned to give $450 million in bonuses to its top executives during a very public federal bailout.

But this week, the Tribune Co. - which owns the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, the Baltimore Sun, the Hartford Courant and other dailies, along with 23 TV stations - received permission from a Delaware bankruptcy judge to pay out $13.3 million in bonuses to some 700 local and corporate managers.

The payouts come as $2.7 million in severance pay to 68 employees who lost their jobs last year remains frozen.

Nuance !!!

1 comment:

  1. When the media does it it's not wrong. Just like when the President does something it's not illegal.

    Lazy Libertarian


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