Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Party of science ??

Any time a democrat says "the science is settled" you can be sure the science is trending in an unfavorable direction for their argument. Remember that the science was settled that the sun revolved around the earth or that the laws of Newtonian physics were absolute.

Now the party of science is also seeking to implement a massive tax under the guise of "cap-and-trade" to help limit greenhouse gases. Anyone opposed to such measures is a Luddite on a moral par with Holocaust-deniers. Except that even the EPA admits that there is no proof that carbon dioxide is harmful.
In the nine-page memo, the "Bush holdover" voices "a concern that EPA is making a finding based on (1) 'harm' from substances that have no demonstrated direct health effects, such as respiratory or toxic effects, (2) available scientific data that purports to conclusively establish the nature and extent of the adverse public health and welfare impacts are almost exclusively from non-EPA sources, and (3) applying a dramatically expanded precautionary principle."

If the EPA goes forward with a finding of endangerment for all six greenhouse gases, the official warns in the document, "it could be establishing a relaxed and expansive new standard for endangerment. Subsequently, EPA would be petitioned to find endangerment and regulate many other 'pollutants' for the sake of the precautionary principle (e.g., electromagnetic fields, perchlorates, endocrine disruptors, and noise)."

1 comment:

  1. Best part was the "Bush holdover" started working at the EPA in 1994. Who was president that year?

    Lazy Libertarian


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