Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama admits he was wrong.

The President, after three days of silence during Iran's post-election fallout, has become increasingly more strident in his tone about the regime's treatment of protesters. He has gone from "concerned" to "troubled and will probably hit "miffed" by the end of the week. Of course he has attempted to employ the standard, and increasingly obvious, Obama ploy of historical revision. The now familiar "As I have said ..." wherein he completely changes his position.

However, everyone will recall that his deer-in-the headlights silence calm demeanor kept him from supporting the protesters as he did not want it to appear that the US was "meddling".

Since he has now weighed in with his recent statements, is he now meddling?? Or was he simply wrong by tacitly supporting the regime by his silence. In any event, his position has changed so one would conclude (at least us mere mortals) that one of those positions were flawed. But this is Obama so they could both be right even if contradictory. Nuance!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just glad he didn't "meddle" by demanding that Israel accept a Palestinian state. Truthiness!

    Lazy Libertarian


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