Friday, July 31, 2009

Is Jon Corzine toast ???

New Jersey can only hope. But Stuart Rothenberg seems to think so.
The raid last week in New Jersey that resulted in the arrest of 44 people, including a number of officeholders, probably is the straw that breaks Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine's back in November.

When I asked one longtime Democratic insider about the race, it took him all of two words to assess Corzine's prospects: "It's over." Another Garden State Democrat was more cautious, saying only, "It's almost over."

For months, polls have shown Christie holding anywhere from a 6-point to a 12-point lead over Corzine, who served five years in the Senate before winning the governorship in 2005. Polls have shown the governor draws 38 percent to 41 percent in ballot tests, a sign of his weak position, and he is losing too much support among blue-collar Democrats and independent voters.

"Independents," one veteran New Jersey Democrat told me, "have stopped listening to the governor. He is well-known to them, and they are ready to move on."

Christie is perfectly positioned to benefit from growing voter embarrassment with the state's reputation as an ethical cesspool. He recently added Monmouth County Sheriff Kim Guadagno, a 50-year-old former federal prosecutor, to his ticket as lieutenant governor.

Of course, the Dems could always pull a Bob Toricelli. After all, they are Democrats and we are talking about NJ.


  1. I firmly stand behind my comrades in the Garden State and their willingness to pull the Dem lever at all costs. "What are you going to do, vote REPUBLICAN?!" Can't say I blame the Dems re: the Torch. While the law states that you have to substitute by 51 days before an election, it doesn't expressly state that you are prohibited from substituting afterwards. As such, I advise all those under 18 to vote, as the law states that you must be 18 to vote but doesn't expressly prohibit those under 18 from voting.....

    Lazy Libertarian

  2. No! New Jersey will be Dem heaven FOREVER!!!!!

    Crazy Commie


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