Thursday, September 24, 2009

What does "smart" diplomacy look like ??

Certainly not like this.
The juxtaposition on our front page this morning is striking. We carry a photograph of Acting Sgt Michael Lockett - who was killed in Helmand on Monday - receiving the Military Cross from the Queen in June, 2008. He was the 217th British soldier to die in the Afghan conflict. Alongside the picture, we read that the Prime Minister was forced to dash through the kitchens of the UN in New York to secure a few minutes “face time” with President Obama after five requests for a sit-down meeting were rejected by the White House.

Sorry Gordon -- Barry O. was busy telling the world how America has been the source of everything that sucked for the last two centuries and how we turned the corner in January 2010.

1 comment:

  1. You'll never get the word "churlishness" in an American publication. What a knave!

    Oscar Wilde


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