Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I mispoke - so let me clear the record

I get where Dick Blumenthal is coming from. You say things where you don't necessarily use precise language and other people take it out of context. It's not your fault that they are morons. For example:

When I used to tell women in bars that I was a professional ballplayer (an up-and-coming 2nd baseman in the Dodger's system) what I really meant was that I actually went to a Dodgers game.

When I have said that I came in late for work because I was working late, I meant to say that I was up late on boubon bender and was working on the excuse for the next day.

When I said that I don't have a drinking problem, I meant that I hardly ever spill.

Of course when I said that I was so well endowed physically that I was sometimes confused with a tripod -- well, that really is true!!

1 comment:

  1. So the "Mommy and I never did more than hold hands before marriage" was BS as well?

    Confused Daughter


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