Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What's next for Specter ??

Snarlin' Arlen is soon to be an ex-Senator. So how does he play out the rest of his term ??

My fear is that, like a wounded animal, Sphincter will be his most dangerous now that he is cornered and wounded. Rather than just retire at 80 and concede a primary to Toomey, Arlen just couldn't live without power to the pointy that he went all-in on a party switch. And he won't let that power slip away now.

Rather than having the freedom to be independent for that next seven months (not that it matters since he clearly has no firm beliefs) he will be a bigger whore than ever. Whatever vote Obama wants he will now get from Specter by dangling the possibility of an appointment or perhaps an ambassadorship. In any event, the damage inflicted by this ass-hat has not yet run its full course.

1 comment:

  1. Senator Specter is a man for our times!

    Michael S.


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