Thursday, July 15, 2010

Arlen Specter can't give up living off your hard work

As this blog noted in an earlier blog entry, Senator Sphincter (Ego - PA) is more dangerous as a lame duck than as a Senator. Seems Arlen can't quite leave "public service" and is eyeballing a job in the Kickass administration.
Sources tell ABC News that Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pennsylvania, has informed the White House that he would like to consider remaining in public service after his Senate term ends at the end of this session, and White House officials are keeping an open mind about possible job openings for him.

Remaining in public service for Arlen means holding on to power, bitching at staff and having aides throw squash games. Sphincter embodies everything wrong with Washington -- a career politician without any guiding core principles other than self-preservation; and leaving others to foot the bill and clean up the mess. Case in point, Republican Specter voted against Elana Kagan for Solicitor General; presumably because she is not qualified. But Democrat Specter is about to give her a lifetime pass on the Supreme Court hoping to get an Obama appointment and avoid retiring and becoming one of us common people.

Maybe he can be Obama's caddie. Or the guy that washes the limo.

1 comment:

  1. A reversal of Kerry! Snarlin' Arlen voted against her before voting for her. Love the (Ego-PA) designation. Also, those job recommendations might be a bit above the Senator's pay grade. Perhaps toilet cleaning would be in order....

    Lazy Libertarian


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